Thursday 25 July 2013

Let's talk about projects!

The Shining Stars had a lot of really interesting activities around the topic of PETS

A great 2 week project about HOBBIES.  Would this be appropriate for all Gr 4 Learners do you think?

Great to see the integration of skills and the cross curricular links in the DRRACH project on CITIES

Great to see how a topic that is part of the learners' environment is integrated into this project

There are such a good variety of texts involved in this project on Health by NAMSA

I really like the first-hand research skills involved in this project on the school

Real life research as well as written texts give two different perspectives on this topic by the Competent 5

Tuesday 23 July 2013

What do we expect?

A lot has happened in the last two days!  10 amazing, dynamic, hardworking groups have been formed and everyone is already hard at work.   At the end of the first day each group wrote up their expectations and here is a summary of the ideas that have come out:


1.     How these workshops link with
1.1  CAPS
1.2  LTSM
1.3   Curriculum of Namibia

2.    Teaching aids/ Resources
2.1  Designing/ development of resources
2.2  Developing tasks for specific age and ability groups
2.3  How to use local resources

3.    Making teaching fun/ memorable
3.1   Methodology
3.2   How to motivate teachers
3.3   Making use of games
3.4   How to integrate the four skills in our daily teaching

4.    Do we include / think about
4.1  Multigrade classes
4.2  Diversity
4.3  Rural schools
4.4  Inclusivity

5.    Assessment
5.1  Improve our ANA results
5.2  Quality assure our assessment

6.    Kill all fears about CAPS and  using the workbooks


1.     ROLL-OUT
1.1    Will it reach all teachers?
2.    Portfolio

3.    Sustainability – Is the program sustainable?

Sunday 21 July 2013

The work begins .....

130 participants from all over South Africa are beginning to converge on the Birchwood Conference Centre in Boksburg for the first Training of Trainers for the CiPELT Intermediate Phase module.

Following the successful collaboration between the Department of Basic Learning and the British Council in the Foundation Phase module, preparations are afoot for the Intermediate Phase training.

The STEADY and GO CiPELT modules will be explained, modelled and discussed with Subject Advisors from the different provinces, with representatives of pre-service teacher training institutions and with Teacher Union representatives.

The training and support teams have been busy at work and a lot of hard work and fun is in store for participants.

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The calm before the storm - Birchwood before the work begins!